Our Vision
To develop a resilient workforce in MB and beyond by creating and applying innovation in the field of resiliency to youth employment.
To lead the way in designing, developing, and delivering cutting-edge curriculum and programming that builds a resilient workforce.
Our Mission
To enthusiastically graduate youth into the world of meaningful work having built a foundation of resilience, self-governance and self-management that sustains employment long-term.
To advance resiliency as an essential skill and by doing so, facilitate the recognition and reconnection of inherent resilience within each participant we serve.
Our Values and Goals
To recognize the skill of bouncing back as an innate ability and encourage the development and honing of this essential skill.
To build the resilience capacity of youth seeking employment by activating youths’ inherent strengths, motivation, and capacity for joy and by engaging participants with all the parts of themselves, each other, and their learning, through a collaborative and power sharing practice.
To successfully engage youth in getting, keeping, and progressing in the world of work by delivering on our integrated approach, philosophy, model, curriculum, processes and set of tools that combine to produce a synergy that achieves results.